Hogwarts Handbook
"I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death.” - Professor Dumbledore
Article III: Membership
Section A: Members |
The members of HOS shall be any registered users who are in compliance with all HOS policies, those who are actively engaged and participating in the site regularly, and those who are in good standing with the HOS community. Subsection (1) All registered users of HOS must be at least thirteen (13) years of age in real life in order to participate in the HOS community. Any registered user of HOS that is found to be under the age of thirteen (13) will have their account suspended until their thirteenth (13th) birthday. |
Section B: Character Limits |
The character limits are universal and apply to all HO regions (the UK, France, and Sweden). (1) Any character within the United Kingdom; Clause a (Teaching Staff Members): Members may only have one character who teaches classes within a school. Members may have as many non-teaching staff member characters as they want as long as they are within the character limit rules. Clause b (First-Time Members): First-time members of the site must wait at least 3 months before making their second character in any region. There are two parts to the Character Limit Rules: 1. Character Maximum: You may have up to 5 characters within a single region. (For example: 5 characters in the UK, 5 characters in France, and 5 characters in Sweden, for a total 15. Official School Alumni do not count toward this maximum.) If you joined before July 2014, the only thing that’s different for you is that you can have a max of 10 within a region. You can still follow the 3-month wait time in between each character.
Section C: Character Names |
Upon registration, members will be required to create a name for their new character. All names must contain a first and last name (in that order); this is known as a complete name. The following complete names are not allowed throughout the entire HOS: real life names, any major names (first or last) from the Harry Potter series, celebrity names, characters from books or movies, historical figures, copyrighted names, or names from any other canon. |
Section D: Character Faces |
Subsection (1) Each character of HOS has the option of selecting an actor, actress, or other celebrity of merit to use as the physical representation of their character on the forums. This will be referred to as the character's face. Celebrities under the age of 13 may not be used. Subsection (2) Each member who elects to have a face will be required to reserve it within their respective region. No two characters may have the same face within a region without the permission of the first claimant and the manager of the region’s Character Mirror. Subsection (3) Each region will appoint a member who will maintain a record of active face claims, called a Character Mirror, within their region. All rules concerning mirrors and face claims will be universal and enforced by each region's appointed manager. You may see these rules by visiting one of the three regional mirrors. Subsection (4) Special exceptions to the rules shall be granted to members who meet certain criteria outlined below. These special exceptions shall be documented, maintained, and enforced by each Character Mirror manager.
(1) Members using claimed faces or using a face without claiming it will have their graphics removed. Repeat offenders will not be allowed to claim a face for their character. |
Section E: Character Adaptations |
Subsection (1) Character Abilities (Non Canon): Each character may have up to 1 special ability. These special abilities must be approved by the RP Coordinator in the respective region before they can be used. The approval process involves an application which asks you to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the ability.
Subsection (2) Character Advanced Skills (Canon): Each character is allowed to have up to 2 advanced skills. These advanced skills must be approved by the RP Coordinator in the respective region before they can be used. The approval process involves an application where you describe the history of how you learned the skills.
Section F: Character Deaths |
Death has a lasting effect on everyone, and even in RP we must acknowledge that if a character dies, the character will be required to turn into a ghost. Any character that dies for any reason cannot be brought back to life. Death is a final thing. No magic could ever bring life into being. If you intend for your character to die, you must discuss the death with the governors. Also, all ghost characters count towards your character limit (unless the character dying is an Official Alumni), so make your decision wisely. |
Section G: House Transfers |
Subsection (1) New 1st-Years and 1st-Year accounts may request a transfer by PMing the Head of the House they are in now and the Head of the House into which they wish to be transferred. If both HOHs approve of the transfer, the transfer is granted. The Head of the House into which the character is transferred must re-sort the student. |
Section H: Leaving HOS |
Subsection (1) If a member plans to go on holidays or is busy with life, all attempts should be made to let the characters’ supervisors know for arrangements to be made. If a member plans to leave for good, the same procedure of letting all the member’s character’s superiors know. |
Section I: Transferring to Another Region |
Subsection (1) Students wishing to transfer from one school to another must submit a transfer request to their current Head of School and Head of their desired School. A student may only transfer one time during the student's education. Students are not entitled to their face if it is already claimed by another character in the desired region of transfer. When a student leaves their region, the face opens for all members to claim. |
Section J: Time Travel and Time-Turners on HOS |
Subsection (1) Time travel is strictly banned on HOS, and Time-Turners are extremely rare and strictly regulated by the Governor of RP. Nearly all the Time-Turners that we know of were lost during the 1996 Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Pursuant to information revealed on Pottermore, we now know that traveling through time more than a few hours is extremely dangerous and has ostentatious consequences. Please keep in mind that Time-Turners are not time machines and do not function the same way. |